Walking bear
Bear walking in the ditch of the surrounding area of its “cave” searching for food usually thrown by people. The hibernation is a normal process for the bears, but due to the lack of dens that can be digged in the zoo and the exposure to visitors the brown bear is always awake wandering around its cage.
Elephant behind the bars
Elephant living in a concrete cell with hippopotamus and rhino as neighbours. The meal of the elephant in the zoo includes straw and bread - not common food for its natural habitat. The biggest land mammals families revolve around females. Males leave at puberty and become socially independent, but females remain within their families for their whole lives. They rear their calves alongside their mothers, grandmothers, sisters and aunts. Elephants are highly social animals, and they snort, scream, trumpet, roar, and rumble to communicate with one another. Living alone for a female elephant can be very frustrating and depressing.
One of the pack
Wolves are very smart predators, but living in a cage they start to loose their primal instincts and the rules of the pack. Without covering a major area for hunting the wolves don’t need their rankings in the zoo and all the power shown there is just a pale copy of their wild behaviour.
Dream of the tiger
Tiger walking all the time from end to end of its temporary cage which is used usually for sick or pregnant animals where the zookeepers can easily feed and observe them. The tiger is highly endangered due to human hunting and encroachment on their forest habitat. For many years, tigers have been hunted for their fur and other body parts, some of which are used in native medicines. In some cultures, people hunt tigers for sport or to demonstrate their own bravery. Several traditional medicines use tiger parts as a cure for all kinds of illnesses, from pimples to toothaches. Tiger researchers estimate that there are no more than 5,000 tigers living in the wild and more than 10,000 living in captivity.
Rihno in the "savanna"
Part of the daily routine of the rhino is walking in circle in his decorated as savanna cage. The white rhinoceros is the largest extant species of rhinoceros. Rhinoceros are killed by humans for their horns, which are bought and sold on the black market, and used by some cultures for ornaments or traditional medicine and this is bringing them on the verge of extinction. White Rhinos live in small herds, made up mostly of females and they love mud holes.
His "majesty"
The vulture is posing with his marked wings spread. He can't fly inside the cage, so this is the only way for him to show his majesty. Griffon vulture is a scavenger, feeding mostly from carcasses of dead animals and has a very useful role in the ecosystem. With a 2.3–2.8 meters wingspan for the vulture is very hard to fly in the aviary that is living in.
Contrast of the wall
Emus walking in the mud of their cell and scratch on the wall. The emu is the second tallest bird in the world, only being exceeded in height by the ostrich. They can reach up to 1.9 metres in height and can travel great distances, and when necessary can sprint at 50 km/h.